August 27 – September 6, 2012
The main topic of the school is the theoretical interpretation of results coming from LHC (Large Hadron Collider) as well as experimental data from neutrino physics, dark matter searches and other observations. The aim is to identify the physics Beyond the Standard Model of strong, weak and electromagnetic forces and ultimately to provide a fully unified description of the fundamental states of matter and their interactions. Basic topics of investigation are the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking, the origin of masses and their hierarchies and the quantization of the gravitational interaction. The methodology is based on three main ingredients: Symmetry, including supersymmetry and symmetries related to flavor, string unification and new space dimensions. The school focus will be the important role of new physics searches at the LHC as well as the impact of neutrino oscillation data and cosmological observations. It is hoped that the school will make a significant contribution to the training of young European researchers in this area of fundamental science.