AHEP: Astroparticles and High Energy Physics Research Group
We are a research group performing research on theoretical, phenomenological and observational aspects of Astroparticle and High Energy Physics. We are part of the the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, a mixed center of the University of Valencia and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Particle cosmology
Neutrino cosmology, including the analysis of the cosmological bounds on neutrino properties and the study of neutrino physics solutions to cosmological puzzles.

New physics at the LHC
Research models with extended gauge groups and/or extra dimensions, with and without supersymmetry.

Underpinning the origin of neutrino mass
Neutrino mass, its characteristic scale and impact on particle physics.

Neutrino properties and the nature of neutrinos
Analyse current and upcoming neutrino experiments probing their mass hierarchy, CP violation and the atmospheric octant.
News & Positions
PhD Grant for non Spanish graduate student in particle theory
We offer a grant for 2+1 years to make a thesis on any of the research lines of our group The research will take place at the AHEP group at IFIC (University of Valencia and CSIC). The candidate should have graduated in Physics from a university in a country other than Spain after January 1st 2011. To have a Master in Physics will be considered an asset. We should have the documentation one week before the official deadline, February 28. You can find the rules of the call here. APPLY HERE. ...
"Física teórica: la búsqueda de la realidad de la materia"
Pr. J. Valle has given a radio interview on "Theoretical physics: The quest for the reality of matter". The interview (in spanish) was conducted by Pr. Lucas del Castillo, it is available here: Física teórica: la búsqueda de la realidad de la materia Programa La Luna Sale a Tiempo Radio emitido el 9 de noviembre de 2012 en Ràdio Klara. Duración aproximada : 00:15:29 Descargar MP3 [6.2Mb] Escuchar la entrevista en línea: aquí ...
“Física teórica: la búsqueda de la realidad de la materia”
Pr. J. Valle has given a radio interview on "Theoretical physics: The quest for the reality of matter". The interview (in spanish) was conducted by Pr. Lucas del Castillo, it is available here: Física teórica: la búsqueda de la realidad de la materia Programa La Luna Sale a Tiempo Radio emitido el 9 de noviembre de 2012 en Ràdio Klara. Duración aproximada : 00:15:29 Descargar MP3 [6.2Mb] Escuchar la entrevista en línea: aquí ...